Thursday 12 February 2015

Oliver: Krispy 3 - Don't Be Misled (28 November 1991)

As exciting and brilliant as hip hop can be, it's an inescapable truth that when tracks from a hip hop album are listened to in isolation, deciphering the lyrics becomes an act of pure guesswork on the part of your humble blogger.  Taken from the Chorley trio's eponymous debut album, Don't Be Misled sounds like part of a concept suite of tunes about the difficulties of making it in the music business or of trying not to compromise artistic principles ("This tour ain't no sell out" - but what kind of non-sell out are we talking about?) before broadening out into an entreaty not to be seduced by the agendas of the media and for policemen to stop assuming that any black man driving around in a nice car has to have stolen it.
Or I could be completely wrong.   But I hope not.  I've got everything crossed that the "concept album inside the music business" fantasy comes true because from what I've heard of Krispy 3, including a fantastic Peel session which alas doesn't seem to be available for sharing, they could make it fly.

Some more information about Krispy 3.

Video courtesy of Ragga Hlp Hop.

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